
Penny To The Blogger?

In Other News

In other news...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Games, Separation & Potato Chip Bag Designs

       Wow. It's been quite a while since I've updated this barren wasteland that I call my blog. It's finally the holidays (well, for quite some time now) and the PMR examination anxieties are far over (well, atleast until I get my results, then the anxiety skyrockets). I've been too lazy to write something and the bounty of games (and books) that I'm currently playing weren't of any help either!

Especially Skyrim.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

How To Get The Old Facebook Chat Back!

      I'm pretty sure some of you might be a little frustrated using Facebook's new chat, what with it not showing your online friends and all. Here's a handy tutorial to (somewhat) get the friendlier Facebook chat back. It's not foolproof though, any future changes Facebook might make can break this method. I suggest an uninstall when that time comes.

You will need to install scripts in your browser. Currently, there are scripts for Firefox and Chrome.

Mozilla Firefox

     First up, you'll need Greasemonkey, it's an add-on that allows you to customise how you view webpages with bits of Javascript. Go and install Greasemoney.

Click Add to Firefox and click Install at the pop-up.

Now that Greasemoney is installed, go ahead and and install the Facebook Sidebar Chat Reversion script. Go and install it now.

After installing it, close your Facebook tab and reopen. Tada! Hello old Facebook chat! If it doesn't show, clear your cache files and try again. Also, if you ever feel the need to use the New Facebook Chat, just remove the script from Greasemonkey.

Google Chrome

     In Google Chrome, it's slightly easier. All you have to do is go to the script page and click on Install.

A pop-up will appear. Just click on install.

After installing it, close your Facebook tab and reopen. Tada! Hello (again) old Facebook chat! If it doesn't show, clear your cache files and try again. Also, if you ever feel the need to use the New Facebook Chat, just remove the script.

There you go. Now you can continue on using Facebook as you please.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Cliche Stuff: Clear Zoom Ins

There's a lot of cliche stuff in popular media. Other than just storylines,various other cliche tidbits exist. So, why not expand out little segment. Instead of Cliche Storylines, this is Cliche Stuff! Let's list one right now:

Clear Zoom Ins

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011

I'm back!

     I'm back! Back from where you ask? Back from...... well...... I'm back and that's the important part. So, I've been delving into some projects lately and I'd like to show you one.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

LEGO Hero Factory Evo 2.0 Review

      Phew. I'm back at home. KL was a blast. But I come home to discover that my PC can't turn on. Something's wrong with the power button probably. It's being repaired as I write. I could fix it myself but I can't risk damaging the wiring.

     Okay, I've said that I purchased a Hero Factory figure. He's Evo 2.0 and here's a review:

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bugs and changes (and Hero Factory)

      Remember the game that I showed screenshots of? The game is in super alpha and lots of ideas haven't been implemented. But, the basic gameplay is there. Yet, bugs are popping up like crazy. With every single feature added, more bugs appear. Maybe it's how I structure the game's code I don't know. Thankfully, these bugs are usually solved quickly. But there's one bug that I can't solve. The player seems to glitch out after a pause and every attempt to solve this problem fails.

     I'm in Kuala Lumpur now and I can't work on the game but I'll be back on Wednesday. If I still can't solve the bug then, I'll have to redo the pause section of the game. Since the game is in super alpha, things can change. The main setting of the game has been scrapped and replaced. It's only a minor change and gameplay will stay as it is.

    In other news, I bought a Hero Factory figure! I was very hostile towards the Hero Factory toyline initially because it was HF that replaced Bionicle. But I gave it a chance and they are pretty cool. I like how armor is put on the figure, the setting of the story and the characters. But Hero Factory still falls short when compared to Bionicle in terms of storyline, figure structure and other stuff. But hey, it's unfair to compare it like that. Hero Factory is in it's own world and story. My only complain is that LEGO has severely reduced the piece count. According to their "tests", kids like less parts. I won't be surprised if one day, LEGO sets don't have to be assembled.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Holidays And Stuff

The holidays are here! 2 weeks of fun and action! Now that's school is out of the way but not the PMRs :(    . But hey, I can at least work on my projects.

    So, what am I doing? I'm developing for the iOS. I'm using an easy to use SDK (Software Development Kit) called GameSalad. It's quite similar to Game Maker with it's drag and drop interface and all except that GameSalad is still in beta and as you know with beta you get....... BUGS! Woohoo. Great.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

My vid is finally finished! :D

Woohoo! I have finally finished my video! This video is my personal entry to Gamevil's Air Penguin Video Contest. Air Penguin is an awesome game on the iOS appstore. It was so popular it toppled Angry Birds as the #1 app in the whole appstore!

Here's the vid:

Let me know what you think k? :'D
Now time to spend the rest of my weekend before I become the emcee at my school's Teacher's Day celebration (deep breaths).

Mid Terms are here (again)

Okay, the mid term exams are here again. Time to crack the books. The ol' grind. Exam-a-geddon. Pow, bookslide. You get the idea. But as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Here:


Saturday, January 29, 2011

Angry Birds Rio Coming This March! Yay!

     Angry Birds Rio? Yes! Rovio (famed developer of Angry Birds) has released a sweet trailer teasing viewers with the upcoming Angry Birds Rio coming this March. The game is set to come with 45 exclusive levels (more fun!) which is undoubtedly gonna be set in the Rio universe at well, Rio de Janeiro .

Egypt's Internet Has Been Shut Off!

     Talk about crazy. An entire nation of 80,000,000 has been disconnected from their Internet. To combat information between protestors being set to and fro, the Egyptian government has shut down the Internet.

How Egypt Turned Off the Internet

Friday, January 28, 2011

Do Nothing For 2 Minutes!

     Why are you still on the Internet? You've been here for hours!. If you're reading this though, I'm guessing that you have tons of tabs open on your browser. You know what? Rest for 2 minutes. Just 2. Can you handle it? Good. Link is below.

[Do Nothing For 2 Minutes]

Saturday, January 22, 2011

....aaaand 10 Billion Apps!

     Apple has done it again! A couple of minutes ago, the 10th billion app has been downloaded from the app store. Also, apple held a promotion/contest anticipating the 10th billion app download like last year when the app store was about to hit a billion downloads. This time, the person that downloads the 10th billion app will get a USD10,000 iTunes gift card, a pretty substantial amount.

Friday, January 21, 2011

5 Things That Might Just Make Me Rip Out Your Blog's Intestines (if a blog does possess any intestines)

*Highly detailed vomit-inducing awesome-looking blood-spurting image of intestines being ripped out censored for good measure*

     So you made a blog. That's great. What's that? Why I'd love to visit and follow. Dumdedumdedum. Clicked on the link already. Yay. Loading. Finally done. So let's see OHMYGOSHNOOOOOOOOO. This is torture! Must...... follow.........GAH!!!! Pop-ups?!?! FFFFFFUUUUUUUUU. My EARS!!! Blooooooood!!! I set up my speakers to loud!!!! god.....j-just kill me already.....i-i.....c-can't......x.x

     That is what me visiting a horribly made blog looks like if it were to be written by drama writers then sent to a director for a drama serial who then edits the script for added drama.

    It just bugs me sometimes when a person has a badly made blog. I'm touching on the design though, not the content. If it were an interesting blog, I'd overlook the problems, though 'overlook' is such a strong word. But if it's content greatly mirrors it's horrible design then that's just adding insult to injury. Now keep in mind that I'm not a highly qualified web designer and this is all a matter of opinion. So keep those angry emails locked up in your "angry emails" safe please. I'm just a human with taste. That's all. Now where was I? Oh yeah. I'm pretty patient when it comes to these type of blogs. But one day, there will be a time when I just lose it against all these blogs. For the sake of humanity.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Citizen Connection (Chapter 5)

The Citizen Connection

Chapter 4 is located here

Chapter 5 :Rebel Assault

     "So, you mind telling me the whole plan? Now that we're safe?" asked Kevin.
    Armedius and Kevin were cruising towards the QuAd Office. Thankfully, they went off-road and into the lush forests of Zercrom. Zercrom is a huge flora haven. Unlike the bustling cities of the country, Zercrom is one of the very few sanctuaries where plants can flourish and grow peacefully. There has been a scare among the environmental citizens that the government was planning to destroy more jungles to make way for development, but the citizens campaigned against it. Alexender Markowizch, a famous environmentalist dabbled in politics and rose up in the ranks. He was soon made "Minister of Green" and had the power over future government plans involving trees and whatnot. He was often made fun of, being called "Kermit" ( for having the title of being a Green Minister). Even though he cared for the environment, his views towards citizens differ greatly. It seems that all their leaders were no good scum. Cowards looking for wealth and power.

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