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In other news...

Sunday, July 24, 2011

How To Get The Old Facebook Chat Back!

      I'm pretty sure some of you might be a little frustrated using Facebook's new chat, what with it not showing your online friends and all. Here's a handy tutorial to (somewhat) get the friendlier Facebook chat back. It's not foolproof though, any future changes Facebook might make can break this method. I suggest an uninstall when that time comes.

You will need to install scripts in your browser. Currently, there are scripts for Firefox and Chrome.

Mozilla Firefox

     First up, you'll need Greasemonkey, it's an add-on that allows you to customise how you view webpages with bits of Javascript. Go and install Greasemoney.

Click Add to Firefox and click Install at the pop-up.

Now that Greasemoney is installed, go ahead and and install the Facebook Sidebar Chat Reversion script. Go and install it now.

After installing it, close your Facebook tab and reopen. Tada! Hello old Facebook chat! If it doesn't show, clear your cache files and try again. Also, if you ever feel the need to use the New Facebook Chat, just remove the script from Greasemonkey.

Google Chrome

     In Google Chrome, it's slightly easier. All you have to do is go to the script page and click on Install.

A pop-up will appear. Just click on install.

After installing it, close your Facebook tab and reopen. Tada! Hello (again) old Facebook chat! If it doesn't show, clear your cache files and try again. Also, if you ever feel the need to use the New Facebook Chat, just remove the script.

There you go. Now you can continue on using Facebook as you please.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Cliche Stuff: Clear Zoom Ins

There's a lot of cliche stuff in popular media. Other than just storylines,various other cliche tidbits exist. So, why not expand out little segment. Instead of Cliche Storylines, this is Cliche Stuff! Let's list one right now:

Clear Zoom Ins

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011

I'm back!

     I'm back! Back from where you ask? Back from...... well...... I'm back and that's the important part. So, I've been delving into some projects lately and I'd like to show you one.

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