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In Other News

In other news...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

You never know what you've got until it's gone...

 Many of us really take things for granted. But just because you have it, it's not going to last forever. Sooner or later, you'll lose it and only then you would really appreciate what you have. Take Michael Jackson, legendary King Of Pop for example. I love his music. The whole world does. He started out small with his siblings in a group. Then he would go on to perform solo. A couple of years later, he's the king of pop. Lots of people respected him. Soon we took him for granted. The media started ridiculing him.Just because he's unique, they called him 'Wacko Jacko'. "Look! Jacko did this!" "Ahaha, he's doing that!" "What is in Wacko's mind?" and more came from people's mouths. Things soon got out of control with accusations of child molestation. He wasn't known as the King Of Pop anymore. He was 'Wacko Jacko', child molester. I'm pretty sure he must have suffered a lot going through all the problems he had.

 Skip through another couple of years and he passed away all of a sudden. He was in Cardiac Arrest and didn't recover. He was gone from this world. Only then did the media started respecting him again. "King Of Pop Dies" read the headlines of many newspapers around the world. It wasn't "Wacko Jacko Dies". Everybody started to love him again. The thoughts of him as a (supposed) child molester disappeared from many folks. The world didn't expect him to pass on so soon. Even his oldest brother is still healthy. Everybody celebrated him as genius in music again. Many respected him again. So, the saying is still true to many of us. You never know what you've got until it's gone.

That's why we must always appreciate what we have. Appreciate the trees. Appreciate our parents, siblings, grandparents while they are still alive. Don't take anything for granted. You never know just when god will take away what we have. You don't want top end up regretting that you didn't value every second that you had with your loved ones.


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