I call FAIL. Firstly, when you ask a local Malaysian and how he/she downloads his/her illegal music/movies/games, you'll usually get an answer like "4shared", "Rapidshare", "Megaupload". These are direct downloading sites. Not a P2P network. If you were to mention the name P2P to some of them you'll get this reaction :
This law affects P2P users that download illegal content. Not the rest? What were they thinking? Piracy will last forever here.
Secondly, with Malaysia's standard of politics, they will push aside the responsibility. Just read the article.
“The act makes the ISPs responsible for curbing online piracy. The ISPs will be fined if they don’t take action against illegal downloaders. The ISPs have the technology to track P2P users,” said Norman.
So, the ISP will be responsible? All the government has to do is dish out fines to ISPs while the ISPs do all the dirty work. Surely this will not end well. For this plan to work, hard work is needed. Both parties are most likely turn a blind eye over the matter. Each pushing their responsibility to the other party. Take a look outside. There's a bounty of shops selling pirated discs. How will piracy be eradicated if it isn't handled properly in the real world let alone in the vast space of the Internet.

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