Exams can be quite stressing especially when it decides your fate to be in which class the following year. Even so, some of the questions in the test messes with your thinking! Typical situation is: You read a question. Seems easy enough. You answer C. But when you read that question again. You realise that your answer might be wrong. You pick B. You reread the question. You change to A. There you go. You are now officially confused.
Okay, back to the point. I was busy answering questions in the exam and was busy remembering the facts that the teacher had taught us. Lots of hard questions. It was during a particular question that I finally popped. Damn questions with their "looks easy" approach but with their "WTF, this is the answer?!" answer. I decided to have a look at the outside world. I was situated beside a window so I had a good view, kinda, the view was blocked by another school building.
It was then I noticed something crawling on a wire (maybe the P.A system wire, idk). There were alot of those "things".
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After taking a hard look, I realised what exactly they were. Ants. Fire ants craling on a wire! (heh, FireWire)
Their movement was certainly psychedelic. It hypnotizes you. It's hard to explain. I need an animation. Here look:
I could watch that all day. The ants stop when they collide with each other for a couple of seconds. I wondered what they could be doing. Travelling from their nest to a food source? The wire looked like a highway for ants, minus the horrific accidents. The ants have courtesy to stop when they bump into another friend. Better than most humans.
So, watching the ants in their daily commute made my day. I continued to watch the ants during every other exam paper after that. If I ran into a hard question, I relaxed by watching the ants.
Thank you ants.
On an unrelated topic, the ants animation I uploaded here was supposed to be a flash animation at first. Yeah. With the loading screen and play button. But I can't seem to find a good .SWF host anywhere that has direct linking. I got sick of a goose chase and published the flash file as a .GIF. Doesn't look as cool but hey, atlest you can watch psychedelic ant action all day long! And I also updated the blog's logo. Spent almost an hour using Photoshop.
Should learn this technique from u .
I really need a distraction when life is too hectic at the office. Unfortunately, my window is directly facing the boss's office........
Thinking about buying the dummy telescope & fixed it near the window, let the boss feel uneasy & probably will end up closing his window blind for good
Awesome idea. What's even better, you should also get dummy cameras. More uneasiness. xD
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