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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Citizen Connection (Chapter 2)

The Citizen Connection

Chapter 2 : False Trial

     The man was leaning against the 10 foot wall. Six enforcers or better known as Citizen Guardians were ready to pounce on their prey. They each carried a standard issue government certified electrical taser. These small gun-shaped would disrupt voluntary control of muscles or in plain words cause you to be in pain and unable to move. But they were also equipped with a handgun if things get out of control. The man had no choice. If he was arrested, he would be tortured for information. It would be too risky to use his handgun. One shot from him and the whole neighborhood of enforcers would be over him.

    All six Citizen Guardians shot their tasers and 300,000 volts of electricity surged into his body. The man immediately fell to the ground. He entire body shook wildly as if he had a seizure. He couldn't feel any of his muscles. The pain was unbearable. After what seemed like an eternity to him, the pain stopped. The officers then handcuffed him and proceeded to escort him to the nearest Citizen Detainment Center. He knew he was not going to have a fun time there.

   The Citizen Detainment Center was where all criminal or suspected criminals were held. They would be interrogated or jailed there. Rumour has it that many of those held in the center were tortured or even worse ; killed. Of course there were policies and rules for all enforcers to follow but the rules were largely ignored. Even high ranking officers would beat up detainees. The entire building was only 2 stories high. It had many rooms with high security. It wasn't a prison but it sure acted like one.

   Upon arrival, the man was interrogated. Everything he was carrying was confiscated for evidence. But he wasn't going to give one bit of information to the guardians. He was willing to die if it meant that the rebels' secrets were safe. He had taken an oath not to reveal any secrets unless told to do so.

   He was held in a small and gloomy room. The room wasn't well lit. He was still cuffed but he sat on a chair. In front of him was a steel table. He could make out several blood stains on the table. The discovery gave him a slight chill.

    Suddenly, the room's door creaked open. It was the interrogator. The interrogator wasn't just any other Citizen Guardian. Interrogators had to pas tests to be one. They were trained to get information at all costs. They were trained not to have any feelings for their captives. The interrogator took out a wallet. It was the man's. The interrogator continued to open the wallet and flicked out an ID. Obviously fake.

   "So, Mr Ryder. Having a great time?"


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