Saturday, September 4, 2010
I am a muslim!
Found this very inspirational speech on Youtube. Just thought I'd post it on the blog. Muslims everywhere around the world especially in the US are always being stereotyped as terrorists. Just mention the word and Americans think of muslims. It's all propaganda. If Jews are criticized they call it Antisemitism but when they critique muslims, they call it freedom of speech! I say we must end all this. We muslims must all stand together and unite against all the hate against muslims. For they can butcher us all they want, we still have Allah to guide us. Insyallah.
freedom of speech,
i am a muslim,
Toys R Us,
Friday, September 3, 2010
Raya & Headmasters
Today was the last day of school before the Raya break. To commemorate the Eidilfitri celebrations, schools off for about 2 weeks. During the assembly everybody did the Takbir Hari Raya lead by 3 students : Solehuddin, Shaker & Afif. I was get pretty sad whenever there is the Takbir Raya. The melody and beauty of it makes people teary eyed.
Other than that, today will be the last day for our Headmaster : Mr. Haji Mohamad Bin Yusof. He gave a speech to all the afternoon session students. I'm gonna miss him because he in my opinion was a good headmaster. He considered the KAA students to be the "jewels" of the school (instead of KRK students :P). So I guess that's it. Wondering how the school will change again when the new Headmistress arrives.
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All our teachers, image courtesy from my friend Izzah's blog : |
And also, here's my tribute to you!
You came and now you're leaving,
'said that your promotion came in a letter,
Wishing for your well being,
I'm guessing that this is for the better.
haji mohamad bin yusof,
Hari Raya,
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Do you spend enough time for Allah?
I received this e-mail recently and thought hard about its message. So, I'm posting in here on my blog for all to read. Read. Think.Share.
Bacalah sehingga habis.
Saya hampir membuang email ini namun saya telah diberi keberkatan untuk membaca terus hingga ke penghujung.
ALLAH , bila saya membaca e-mail ini, saya fikir saya tidak ada masa untuk ini.... Lebih lebih lagi diwaktu kerja.
Kemudian saya tersedar bahawa pemikiran semacam inilah yang .... Sebenarnya, menimbulkan pelbagai masaalah di dunia ini.
Kitacuba menyimpan ALLAH didalam MASJID pada hari J umaat ... .....
Mungkin malam JUMAAT?
Dan sewaktu solat MAGRIB SAJA?
Kita suka ALLAH pada masa kita sakit....
Dan sudah pasti waktu ada kematian...
Walaubagaimanapun kita tidak ada masa atau ruang untuk ALLAH waktu bekerja atau bermain?
Kerana..... Kita merasakan diwaktu itu kita mampu dan sewajarnya mengurus sendiri tanpa bergantung pada NYA.
Semoga ALLAH mengampuni aku kerana menyangka... .....
Bahawa nun di sana masih ada tempat dan waktu dimana ALLAH bukan lah yang paling utama dalam hidup ku. (nauzubillah)
Kita sepatutnya senantiasa mengenang akan segala yang telah DIA berikan kepada kita.
DIA telah memberikan segala-galanya kepada kita sebelum kita meminta.
Sebarkan lah seandaianya ANDA BENAR-BENAR MENGHAYATI!! !
Ya aku CINTA ALLAH ...
Dia adalah sumber kewujudanku dan Penyelamatku
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